EUROPEAN INFLATION: Non-Energy Cooling In Spanish HICP Despite Weight Boost

Feb-14 09:36

You are missing out on very valuable content.

Spain January final HICP inflation confirmed flash estimates at 2.9% Y/Y (vs 2.8% in Dec) and the se...

Historical bullets

EGB OPTIONS: Bobl Call Fly

Jan-15 09:34

OEG5 116.50/117.00/117.50c fly, bought for 10.5 in 3k.

EQUITIES: Another large EU Bank Option

Jan-15 09:33

SX7E (19th Dec) 135p, trades for 7 in 25k.

  • It could be related with the 31.25k, but strange ratio, also the 31.25k look to have been done straight, while the 25k is vs 4k at 154.00.

EQUITIES: Large EU Bank Option

Jan-15 09:28

LARGE EU Bank Option, suggest a new Position, there's no OI in that strike:

  • SX7E (18/12/26) 135p, bought for 13.20 in 31.25k.