2.70% Oct-27 BTP | 3.45% Jul-31 BTP | 3.15% Nov-31 BTP | |
ISIN | IT0005622128 | IT0005595803 | IT0005619546 |
Amount | E3.25bln | E1.25bln | E1.25bln |
Previous | E2.75bln | E3.5bln | E3bln |
Avg yield | 2.52% | 3.13% | 3.18% |
Previous | 2.85% | 3.19% | 3.49% |
Bid-to-cover | 1.58x | 1.85x | 1.83x |
Previous | 1.65x | 1.61x | 1.63x |
Avg Price | 100.50 | 101.98 | 99.98 |
Pre-auction mid | 100.476 | 101.942 | 99.921 |
Prev avg price | 99.670 | 101.740 | 98.10 |
Prev mid-price | 99.641 | 101.707 | 98.016 |
Previous date | 13-Jan-25 | 11-Oct-24 | 13-Jan-25 |
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Our preview of Wednesday's December CPI release has been published (PDF):
Suggest rolling call, there's 22.1k OI in the Jan.
Decent 30y linker auction with the average price of 80.714 higher than at any time during the auction window. This has led to the price moving higher post-results (albeit now a little below the striking price of the auction).