BONDS: BTP Block trade

Jan-29 14:59

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BTP Block trade, suggest buyer: IKH5 1k at 119.14....

Historical bullets

US DATA: MNI Chicago Report™: Most Plan Rise In Inventory Due To Strike Risk

Dec-30 14:51

The Chicago Report™ also asked firms in December “Have you put any contingency plans in place in the event of a further port worker strikes?” Of the respondents that answered:

  • Almost half (48%) were looking to increase inventories of raw materials.
  • A third (33%) expressed plans to increase finished goods inventory.
  • Only 10% selected plans to increase production.
  • Again none planned to increase employment levels and 24% selected “Other”.

US TSYS: Post-Chicago Business Barometer™ React

Dec-30 14:50
  • Treasury futures extend a little higher after lower than expected Chicago PMI for December. The Mar'25 10Y futures contract trades 108-29.5 last (+15.5), still well below technical resistance at 110-03.5 (20-day EMA).
  • Curves still mixed: 2s10s -.453 at 28.839, 5s30s +2.856 at 38.263. Tsy 10Y yield -.0766 at 4.5487.

US DATA: MNI Chicago Report™: Over 50% Plan Higher Inventories With Tariff Risk

Dec-30 14:49

In December, the Chicago Report™ asked firms “With potential tariff increases in the coming months, is your business taking any of the following precautions/considerations?" Of the respondents that answered:

  • Over half (55%) said they are taking precautions by increasing inventories
  • 41% are looking into on-shoring
  • 36% are considering new suppliers
  • A further 36% are looking to increase prices
  • No respondents reported increasing employment levels
  • 14% reported ‘Other’– noting cost reductions and some being minimally impacted due to diverse supplier bases