CANADA: CIBC Suggest Longs In CGB Futures Should Roll Early

Feb-20 14:03

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CIBC suggest that outright long H5 positions in Canadian Government Bond futures should roll to M5 e...

Historical bullets

US: SFR put fly strip

Jan-21 14:02

0QJ5/0QK5 96.00/95.75/95.50ps fly strip, bought for 8 in 7k, in the pit and on screen.

US: Outright SFR call buyer

Jan-21 13:58

0QM5 97.12c, bought for 5 in 10k.


Jan-21 13:57

Latest block trade lodged at 08:49:14 NY/13:49:14 London:

  • TUH5 7.0K lots blocked at 102-24.625, looks like a buyer.
  • DV01 ~$266K.