Fitch state: * Sale of Ports will improve credit profile * Process will take longer than 6 months -...
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Mainland GDP at -0.4% Q/Q was quite a bit weaker than both consensus and the Norges Bank December MPR projections of 0.3% Q/Q. Further details to follow.
Catherine Mann gave an interview to the FT yesterday (the article was posted overnight, see here), ahead of her speech this morning (8:45GMT release time). The article notes that she saw her 50bp vote for a cut as what the FT paraphrases as a "desire for a one-off step-change rather than a longer-term succession of ongoing rate reductions". This is in line with our view that we noted in our BOE Review, that she is a dove for now but it is unclear for how long (we expect her to vote for cuts in March and May - but without much conviction beyond that and with little conviction on the magnitude of the cuts that she will favour).