The establishment survey saw payrolls growth almost as expected, but AHE and in particular hours wor...
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The Bank of Italy’s Ita-coin indicator (nowcast for IT trend growth) remained subdued in January, falling to -0.09 (vs -0.05 prior). The indicator has been below zero for nine consecutive months.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced a Canada-US Economic Summit to take place in Toronto on Friday 7 February. In a press release, the PM's office said the summit will look to expand the work of the newly formed Council on Canada-US Relations and include leaders from trade, business, public policy, and organised labour. "Using their sectoral expertise, the leaders will explore ways to grow Canada’s economy, make it easier to build and trade within the country, diversify export markets, and rejuvenate productivity. The Summit will see increased co-ordination, co-operation, and interoperability between partners, including through issue- and sector-specific conversations."