FOREX: FX Exchange traded Roll pace

Mar-12 09:17

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Expiry Next Monday the 17th. * EUR: 36%. * GBP: 33%. * JPY: 45% (above pace). * CHF: 32%. * CAD: 33...

Historical bullets

US TSY OPTIONS: FVH5 106.00/107.50 Combo Trade, Calls Bought

Feb-10 09:17

Largest trade during the London morning comes via the FVH5 106.00/107.50 combo, with contacts suggesting that paper buys the calls vs. selling the puts and receives -0.75.

BONDS: UK Paper Outperforms German Peers, TTF & UK Labour Market Eyed

Feb-10 09:11

Looks like the fresh 2-year high in TTF prices is facilitating German underperformance vs. UK paper, with UK/German spreads 1.0-1.5bp tighter across the curve early today.

  • Continued downbeat assessments surrounding the UK labour market (covered earlier) also a potential factor in the spread narrowing.


Feb-10 09:08

ERM5 97.875/97.9375/98.00/98.0625c condor, bought for 1.5 in 2.5k.