BUNDS: German Steepener Block Trades

Mar-14 13:12

You are missing out on very valuable content.

German curve Block trades, suggest steepener: * UBM5 757 sold at 115.68. * OEM5 3.2k at 116.65...

Historical bullets

GILT PAOF RESULTS: The PAOF for the 0.625% Mar-45 linker was not taken up.

Feb-12 13:10
  • GBP 250.0mln had been available.
  • This leaves GBP12.154bln of the linker in issue.

STIR: Repo Reference Rates

Feb-12 13:07
  • Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR): 4.34% (-0.01), volume: $2.321T
  • Broad General Collateral Rate (BGCR): 4.32% (-0.01), volume: $911B
  • Tri-Party General Collateral Rate (TCR): 4.32% (-0.01), volume: $894B
  • (rate, volume levels reflect prior session)

SONIA: SFIM5 95.75/95.50 Put Spread Sold

Feb-12 12:59

SFIM5 95.75/95.50 put spread 7K given at 3