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HIGHLIGHTS * Treasuries look to finish moderately weaker, curves bear steepen with bonds underperforming (2s10s +2.786 at 24.568, 5s30s +1.231 at 37.923). * Bond weakness partially tied to cross asset selling tied to record-sized 10Y Gilt syndic...
MNI ASIA OPEN: Tsys Hold Lower/Narrow Range Ahead Key CPI Data
MNI China Daily Summary: Tuesday, February 11
MNI BRIEF: China To Boost Passenger Train Services
INVITE RPT:Livestreamed Connect CBO's Phillip Swagel On Feb 24
MNI: Fed In No Hurry To Adjust Interest Rates, Powell Says
FINAL REMINDER: MNI Webcast with ECB Frank Elderson On Feb 12
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