Tsy futures are trading near learly morning highs ahead of the $58B 3Y note auction (91282CMF5) at 1300ET, WI is currently at 4.321%, 20.4bp cheap to last month's auction.
- December auction recap: Treasury futures remained weaker, near lows after nearly in-line $58B 3Y note auction (91282CMB4) drew 4.117% high yield vs. 4.115% WI; 2.58x bid-to-cover vs. 2.60x prior.
- Peripheral stats saw indirect take-up recede to 64.18% vs. 70.62% prior; direct bidder take-up rebounds off prior low of 9.62% to 20.71%; primary dealer take-up recedes to 15.11% vs. 19.75% prior.
- Timing today's 3Y note sale: results will be available shortly after the competitive auctions closes at 1300ET.