BONDS: OAT and BTP outperform

Feb-13 09:51

OAT Block trade, suggest buyer.

  • OATH5 ~1.1k at 123.72.

OAT and BTP are starting to outperform, despite the Italian supply, although as noted on the Bund cash open, the Italian supply was expected to weigh more on the shorter end part of the Curve, short 2yr (BTSH5) Is pretty much flat in early trade.

Historical bullets

EQUITIES: Estoxx put spread

Jan-14 09:51

SX5E (17th April) 4500/4275ps, bought for 15.6 and 15.7 in 15k.

JPY: A full reversal in the Yen

Jan-14 09:44
  • The Yen is starting to see broader offers, has fully reversed the Overnight gains against the Dollar and is also testing the intraday lows versus the EUR, and AUD.
  • US Yields have reversed the small early price action and are moving higher as futures tick back to their respective lows, although they are still trading in positive territory.

EGB SYNDICATION: 10-year GGB: Spread set

Jan-14 09:40
  • Spread set at MS+102bp (guidance was MS+107bps area)
  • Size: Benchmark (MNI expects E3-4bln)
  • Books in excess of E31bln (inc JLM interest)
  • Maturity: 15 June 2035
  • Settlement: 21 January, 2025 (T+5)
  • ISIN: GR0124041758

Via Bloomberg / market source