SESGFP Baa3[N]/NR/BBB Outlook cut at the close on higher competition, innovation risks, and leverag...
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NOMINAL FLOWS: The upcoming week sees no redemptions. Coupon payments for the week total E0.3bln of which E0.1bln are Slovakian and E0.1bln Greek. This leaves estimated net flows for the week at positive E50.2bln, vs positive E25.4bln last week.
Slovakia, Germany and France are all due to hold auctions in the upcoming week while the EFSF is expected to hold a syndication. We pencil in further syndications from Austria, Finland and Spain. We look for estimated gross issuance for the week at E50.5bln, up from E40.9bln last week.
ECB GC member Holzmann maintains his hawkish bias in an interview with POLITICO.