Feb-13 14:04


  • This would be the 50% payout of the Sparkle proceeds as flagged in the results.

Historical bullets

STIR: Effective Fed Funds Rate

Jan-14 14:00

FRBNY EFFR for prior session:

  • Daily Effective Fed Funds Rate: 4.33% (+0.00), volume: $104B
  • Daily Overnight Bank Funding Rate: 4.33% (+0.00), volume: $306B

FRANCE: PM Bayrou Set To Speak At 1400GMT/1500CET

Jan-14 13:58

PM Bayrou’s general policy speech can be viewed at this link

  • French media outlets reported earlier today that Bayrou told parliamentary leaders of the gov't parties that he does not intend to announce a suspension of the 2023 pension reforms, instead favouring renegotiation in order to reach an agreement by September 2025.
  • The centre-left Socialist Party (PS) has talked up a suspension of the reforms as its price for supporting the gov't in a post-speech censure vote.
  • Should Bayrou's middle-ground approach on pension reform fall short of PS demands then it remains to be seen whether the Bayrou gov't can last.

BUNDS: The German 10yr makes an attempt at the July high

Jan-14 13:55

A quick turnaround for Bund, after initially gaining few Ticks on the US PPI miss, the German 10yr Yield is again eyeing a test to the July high of 2.642%, would need a test towards ~130.47, so far just tested a 130.53 low.