RBNZ: MNI RBNZ Review - August 2024: RBNZ Plans "Cautious" Easing * The RBNZ
delivered a 25bp cut bringing rates to 5.25% as it decided to "ease the level of
monetary policy restraint" due to greater excess capacity, confidence that
inflation will return to the band in Q3 2024, downside risks and inflation
expectations at the target mid-point. * There were significant downward
revisions to the OCR path. The new profile implies a further 1-2 cuts by
end-2024 and at least 100bp in 2025. In May, a rate hike by end-2024 was
implied. * As a result of greater excess capacity and lower import prices, there
was a large downward revision to Q3 2024 CPI to 2.3% from 3.0% in May, close to
the band mid-point. It is expected to stay around this rate through 2025 before
reaching the 2% mid-point in Q2 2026, which is unchanged. * Going into
yesterday's meeting the market had priced a 58% chance of a 25bp cut. The market
now prices 39bps of easing for the next meeting, with a cumulative 82bps by
November. * See full review here:
Aug-15 05:11