STIR: SONIA/Euribor Dec ’25 Spread Hovers Above ’25 Lows

Mar-14 13:15

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The is a risk of an extension of the recent narrowing in SONIA/Euribor spreads. * The vote split at...

Historical bullets

EURIBOR OPTIONS: Call condor seller

Feb-12 13:13

ERM5 97.875/98.00/98.0625/98.1875c condor, sold at 3.5 in 10k.

EURIBOR OPTIONS: Call spread vs call

Feb-12 13:12

ERU5 98.12/9837cs vs ERM5 98.0625c, bought the cs for 3.25 in 5k.

GILT PAOF RESULTS: The PAOF for the 0.625% Mar-45 linker was not taken up.

Feb-12 13:10
  • GBP 250.0mln had been available.
  • This leaves GBP12.154bln of the linker in issue.