AMERICAS OIL: Tariffs on Canada Oil to Hurt Midwest Refiners' Costs, Logistics

Feb-12 19:22

Tariffs on Canadian Oil to Hurt Midwest Refiners' Costs, Logistics, RBC Says -- OPIS

  • The Royal Bank of Canada said on Wednesday that potential U.S. tariffs on Canadian oil imports would likely raise operating costs for Midwest refineries, which would have to make changes to process lighter grades of crude or find other sources of heavy crude.
  • The bank said imports of Canadian oil can strengthen U.S. energy reserves and lower consumer costs by helping meet growing U.S. demand.
  • President Trump in early February paused for 30 days a planned 10% tariff on U.S. imports of Canadian crude oil and a 25% tariff on Mexican oil imports after the two countries agreed to beef up border security.
  • RBC said Trump's decision to impose less-punitive 10% tariffs on Canadian energy reflects the strategic importance of those resources to American interests.
  • Canada currently accounts for 60% of U.S. total oil imports and its share has grown sharply over the past several decades to 24% of total U.S. oil consumption.
  • RBC also said the tariff would affect the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion that began service in May and supplies U.S. West Coast refineries. The project has nearly tripled Canada's oil export capacity via its West Coast terminals, playing a key role in supporting Asian allies like South Korea and Japan.

Historical bullets

PIPELINE: Corporate Issuance Roundup: $13.85B to Price Monday

Jan-13 19:14

$13.85B to price Monday, $3B KFW, $2B CADES and others rolled to Tuesday

  • Date $MM Issuer (Priced *, Launch #)
    • 01/13 $2.5B #Standard Chartered $1B 4NC3 +105, $500M 4NC3 SOFR+124, $1B 11NC10 +143
    • 01/13 $2B #Deere $1.25B 10Y +68, $750M 30Y +75
    • 01/13 $1.75B #Rabobank $700M 3Y +40, $300M 3Y SOFR+60, $750M 8NC7 +100
    • 01/13 $1.5B #CBA 5Y SOFR+69
    • 01/13 $1.2B #Eastern Energy Gas $700M 10Y +105, $500M 30Y +125
    • 01/13 $1B #Micron 10Y +102
    • 01/13 $1B *EBRD 5.5Y SOFR+42
    • 01/13 $1B #Plains All American 10Y +120
    • 01/13 $650M Blue Owl Tech Fin 3Y +185
    • 01/13 $500M #Apollo Debt Solutions 7Y +185
    • 01/13 $750M #Ares Strategic 7Y +175
    • 01/13 $Benchmark KHFC 5Y +95a, 5Y SOFR
  • May price Tuesday:
    • 01/13 $3B KFW +5Y +43a
    • 01/14 $2B CADES 5Y SOFR+70a
    • 01/13 $Benchmark British Colombia 3Y SOFR+46a
    • 01/14 $Benchmark BNG Bank 5Y SOFR+50a
    • 01/14 $Benchmark CAF 5Y SOFR+90a
    • 01/14 $Benchmark IFC 3Y SOFR+33a

US: Biden's Final Foreign Policy Speech Underway Shortly

Jan-13 19:01

US President Joe Biden is shortly due to deliver the final foreign policy address of his presidency. A livestream of the speech, taking place at the State Department, is available here.  

  • The speech kicks off Biden's farewell week to US politics: On Tuesday, he’ll deliver White House remarks on conservation; on Wednesday he will deliver his final Oval Office address; on Thursday, he will attend a final event at the Department of Defence; and on Friday, he will address the US Council of Mayors.
  • A senior administration official told reporters: “[Biden] will describe how we reclaimed America’s global leadership as a force of stability, put our adversaries in a position of weakness, effectively navigated turbulence around the world and made America stronger at every step… He will discuss how we have dealt with the challenges and threats America faces and ensured that America — not our adversaries — are in the driver’s seat, best positioned to shape our future, and how he will hand the next administration a stronger hand than he inherited.”
  • Biden is unlikely to speak in detail on the withdrawal from Afghanistan or the situation in Gaza – two foreign policy issues that undermined his bid for a second presidential term.
  • A second Biden administration official told reporters, on Biden’s Oval Office speech: “It’ll be … really very rooted in the moment we’re in and where we go from here. It’ll be his last big chance to communicate with the country.”

STIR: FED Reverse Repo Operation

Jan-13 18:45

RRP usage inches up to $183.669B this afternoon from $178.800B on Friday. Compares to $98.356B on Friday, December 20 - the lowest level since mid-April 2021. The number of counterparties rises to 51 from 48.

reverse repo 01132025