MNI EXCLUSIVE: MNI looks at talks on boosting defence at an EU summit

Mar-20 15:23

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MNI looks at talks on boosting defence at an EU summit -- On MNI Policy MainWire now, for more detai...

Historical bullets

EQUITIES: EU Bank Put Spread

Feb-18 15:15

SX7E (21st Mar) 175/165ps 1x2, bought for 1.4 in 6k.

ECB: Cipollone Q&A: Rerouting Of China Trade Could Have Strong Inflation Impact

Feb-18 15:05

The final questions of the Cipollone event hosted by MNI: 

  • Q: Given all the uncertainty, how do you sit down and make a decision come the next meeting? It’s hard to make a decision when these things aren’t concrete, but there are some channels (e.g. confidence ) where it does have some reaction?
  • A: We are still predicating the economic recovery on consumption, but this process is still slow. The real side is not very promising.
  • If China gets strong tariffs, they must send their goods somewhere, probably in the Eurozone. With two effects: Reducing the demand for domestic goods, and dampening import prices. This has a strong impact on inflation.
  • I don’t know what will happen with oil and gas prices. I want to see the work of my colleagues at the ECB and then we will come up with a decision (even though I am considered a dovish person).



US: SFR Call Condor buyer

Feb-18 15:04

0QH5 95.93/96.06/96.18/96.43c condor, bought for 3.5 in another 5k, total 10k screen and pit.

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