Global trade flows are already shifting following China's new 15% tariff on US LNG, according to Kpl...
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ross-market cues dominate this morning, with a bid in equities and peripheral EGBs initially leading gilts higher, before a pullback from highs.
IGCP has bought back E430mln of the 2.875% Oct-25 OT at 100.38 in today’s buyback operation.
2.60% May-41 Bund | 2.50% Jul-44 Bund | |
ISIN | DE000BU2F009 | DE0001135481 |
Total sold | E1.5bln | E500mln |
Allotted | E1.129bln | E392mln |
Previous | E0.805bln | E0.812bln |
Avg yield | 2.74% | 2.74% |
Previous | 2.64% | 2.61% |
Bid-to-offer | 1.82x | 3.10x |
Previous | 1.61x | 2.49x |
Bid-to-cover | 2.42x | 3.95x |
Previous | 2.00x | 3.06x |
Avg price | 98.16 | 96.47 |
Low price | 98.15 | 96.45 |
Pre-auction mid | 98.154 | 96.445 |
Prev avg price | 99.48 | 98.33 |
Prev low price | 99.48 | 98.32 |
Prev mid-price | 99.439 | 98.292 |
Previous date | 06-Nov-24 | 20-Mar-24 |