MNI’s Oil and Gas service offers real-time, actionable intelligence and insight on global oil and gas markets.
MNI’s Gas service offers real-time, actionable intelligence and insight on major global gas & LNG markets delivered in a concise format via the MNI website and 3rd-party chat platforms.
MNI’s Oil service offers real-time, actionable intelligence and insight on global oil and oil product markets delivered in a concise format via the MNI website and 3rd-party chat platforms.
MNI Power offers a one-stop shop for actionable insights and need-to-know market information, while cutting through the noise.
MNI’s Oil service offers real-time, actionable intelligence and insight on global oil and oil product markets delivered in a concise format via the MNI website and 3rd-party chat platforms.
Tailored to your requirements
Download the product sheets for more information on the products and services we offer. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are happy to help.
US Registrations:US Registrations Trademark/Logos and current status
MNI Fixed Income Bullet Points:Actionable information for fixed income traders
MNI Emerging Market Bullet Points:Actionable, real-time information on emerging markets
MNI Foreign Exchange Bullet Points:Actionable information for foreign exchange traders
Credit Bullet Points:Actionable, real-time information on corporate credit markets
MNI Credit:MNI's Credit service offers real time, actionable intelligence and analysis across the European creditmarket.
Energy Bullet Points:Actionable real-time information on oil, gas & power markets
MNI API:MNI API Solutions for Data & Content Feeds