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MNI Emerging Markets

EM Coverage

Emerging Markets coverage offers real-time actionable intelligence, analysis and insight on fixed income and foreign exchange markets in CEMEA, Asia and LatAm regions delivered in concise bullet point format.

What‘s included


  • Insightful fundamental, cross-asset analysis on key emerging markets across Europe, MENA, Latin America and Asia-Pac
  • Identifying key market drivers for specific assets, as well as broader risk sentiment
  • Dedicated central bank intelligence, linking our proprietary analysis with our local Policy coverage
  • Realtime coverage of breaking news, data releases and notable price action
  • Data analysis and macro intelligence geared toward decision-making and market strategy
  • Proprietary technical analysis covering all key emerging market currencies
  • Why you need this

    This real-time service will keep you ahead of your peers, ensuring that information is delivered rapidly, with key market colour and a strong analytical base
    MNI provides a holistic overview of the rates, foreign exchange, commodities, credit and emerging markets – acting as a single point of reference to keep you informed and incorporate key risks and opportunities into your workflow and strategies

    MNI Email Package

    Tailored to your requirements

    Daily Market Analysis
    Realtime Political Risk Analysis
    CB Previews/Reviews
    US Inflation Insight
    Key Data Previews

    Products and services

    Product sheets

    Download the product sheets for more information on the products and services we offer. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are happy to help.