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MNI EM Policy

EM Policy

MNI EM Policy offers exclusive intelligence on the world’s major emerging markets, focused on the central banks in Brazil, Mexico, Poland, Turkey, Hungary, Czech Republic and China.

Why you need this

Critical intelligence on major EM central bank policy from MNI journalists' network of well-placed contacts
Exclusive on-the-record interviews with top central bankers and officials
Central bank analysis just before and straight after decision-making meetings
To stay on top of fiscal and other major macro events that impact EM central banks
19 central bank previews and reviews

MNI Email Package

Tailored to your requirements

Exclusive Interviews
CB Previews/Reviews
Political Risk Analysis
Policy Briefs

Products and services

Product sheets

Download the product sheets for more information on the products and services we offer. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are happy to help.