28-Jan0001JanBRC Monthly Shop Price Index
29-Jan1415 BOE's Bailey at Treasury Select Committee
30-Jan0930DecBOE M4/ Lending to Individuals
03-Feb0930JanS&P Global Manufacturing PMI (Final)
05-Feb0930JanS&P Global Services/ Composite PMI (Final)
06-Feb0930JanS&P Global/CIPS Construction PMI
06-Feb1200 Bank Of England Interest Rate
06-Feb1230 BOE MPR press conference
06-Feb1400JanDecision Maker Panel data
07-Feb1215 BOE's Pill at National MPC Agency briefing
11-Feb0001JanBRC-KPMG Shop Sales Monitor
13-Feb0700DecGDP/ Trade/ Services/ Production/ Construction
13-Feb0700Q4GDP First Estimate
18-Feb0700Dec/JanLabour Market Survey
19-Feb0001JanBrightmine pay deals for whole economy
19-Feb0700JanConsumer inflation report
19-Feb0700JanProducer Prices