SCHATZ TECHS: (M5) Unwinding An Oversold Condition

Mar-14 06:25

* RES 4: 107.120 High Mar 4 and key resistance * RES 3: 106.905 High Mar 5 * RES 2: 106.847 61.8% re...

Historical bullets

LOOK AHEAD: UK Timeline of Key Events (GMT Times)

Feb-12 06:23
12-Feb1500 BOE's Greene speech at Institute of Directors
13-Feb0700DecGDP/ Trade/ Construction/ Production/ Services
13-Feb0700Q4GDP First Estimate
18-Feb0700Dec/JanLabour Market Survey
18-Feb0930 BOE's Bailey fireside chat on open financial markets
19-Feb0001JanBrightmine pay deals for whole economy
19-Feb0700JanConsumer inflation report
19-Feb0700JanProducer Prices
20-Feb1100FebCBI Industrial Trends
21-Feb0001FebGfk Monthly Consumer Confidence
21-Feb0700JanPublic Sector Finances
21-Feb0700JanRetail Sales
21-Feb0930FebS&P Global Flash PMI
25-Feb1100FebCBI Distributive Trades

LOOK AHEAD: Eurozone Timeline of Key Events (GMT Times)

Feb-12 06:18
12-Feb900ITIndustrial Production
12-Feb1000EUECB's Elderson in roundtable at the MNI Connect event
13-Feb700DEHICP (f)
13-Feb840EUECB's Cipollone interview at Digital Finance conference
13-Feb1000EUIndustrial Production
14-Feb800ESHICP (f)
14-Feb1000EUGDP (p)
17-Feb1000EUTrade Balance
17-Feb EUECB's Lagarde and Cipolllone in Eurogroup meeting
18-Feb745FRHICP (f)
18-Feb1000DEZEW Current Conditions/Expectations Index
18-Feb EUECB's De Guindos in ECOFIN meeting
18-Feb1400EUECB's Cipollone in MNI Connect conference on Balance Sheet
19-Feb900EUEZ Current Account
19-Feb1000EULabour costs

CHINA: Country Wrap: Passenger Car Output Steady in January. 

Feb-12 06:11
  • A release from the Ministry of Industry shows that the copper industry will be charged with tighter requirements going forward for the building of new copper smelters (source:  BBG).
  • Production of passenger cars in China showed steady growth in January, driven by new energy vehicles according to data released by an industry association. (source: XINHAU)
  • Whilst the Hang Seng was very strong today up +1.5%, most onshore bourses did not share the enthusiasm with the CSI 300 down -0.10%, Shanghai Comp down -0.04 whereas Shenzhen  was up +0.31%.
  • CNY: Yuan Reference Rate at 7.1710 Per USD; Estimate 7.3010
  • Bonds: a slow day for the bond market with the CGB 10YR unchanged at 1.62%