US: Trump's Dismissal Of Democrat FTC Commissioners Delivers More Uncertainty

Mar-19 14:23

You are missing out on very valuable content.

President Donald Trump yesterday fired the two Democrat members of the Federal Trade Commission - Re...

Historical bullets

FED: Dovish-Leaning Harker Ahead – 0930ET

Feb-17 14:22
  • Philly Fed’s Harker (non-voter, retiring Jun 2025) is the first of three Fed speakers today despite the President’s Day holiday.
  • The dovish leaning FOMC member is set to speak on the economic outlook 0930ET (text followed by Q&A), having last said on Jan 9 that the Fed can stay where we are [with policy rates] for a little bit but not for long.
  • “I still see us on a downward policy rate path. Looking at everything before me now, I am not about to walk off this path or turn around…but the exact speed I continue to go along this path will be fully dependent upon the incoming data.”

BTP: Block trade

Feb-17 14:19

BTP Block trade, suggest buyer:

  • IKH5 ~1.2k at 119.83.

SONIA: Call spread buyer

Feb-17 14:07

SFIJ5 96.15/96.25, bought for half in 7.5k.