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Swiss National Bank Meeting

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Meeting Date:

Sep 25, 2024

Rate Decision:

Sep 26, 2024 - 07:30 am
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The Swiss National Bank (SNB) meets once a quarter, in March, June, September, and December, to assess monetary policy. After each meeting, the SNB announces its interest rate decision. Announcement is at 9:30 am on the day of monetary policy assessment on central bank website, wire services; 10:00 am media conference (four times a year)

Preview Coverage

SNB to cut as inflation slows, with forex intevention to weaken franc.

Sep-24 13:01

The SNB is expected to cut its policy rate again, with a 25bp cut to 1.00% most likely.

Sep-24 14:51

Review Coverage

SNB: MNI SNB Review-Sep 2024: Further Further Easing Incoming EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: * SNB has, as expected, cut its policy rate for the third consecutive time by 25bps, and materially kept its FX communications unchanged * They have revised lower their inflation forecast amid lower inflationary pressures driven by a stronger CHF and lower energy prices, despite it being conditional on the new, lower, policy rate of 1.00% * The biggest surprise of the meeting likely was the addendum of a comment on potential further easing, which yielded a repricing in longer-term Swiss interest rate markets FOR THE FULL PUBLICATION PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING LINK: : https://media.marketnews.com/SNB_Review_2024_09_cb03d29b02.pdfSNBReview-2024-09 .pdf: https://roar-assets-auto.rbl.ms/files/67709/SNBReview-2024-09.pdf

Sep-30 16:37

SNB cuts rates and makes dovish inflation forecast shift.

Sep-26 10:49

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